Saturday, March 3, 2012

All NICU moms!

* Your NICU kid is 14, and you're still talking about his or her "Adjusted Age".

* Your 'breast friend' is the pump.

* Your addicted to acronyms. *NICU, CPAAP, RSV…*

* You get all weepy when you see a normal, picture perfect delivery on TV.

* You refer to NICU procedures with the skill of a NICU nurse.

* You get a little sad when you pass a hospital.

* You just can't truly enjoy yourself no matter what you're doing because your heart is still in the NICU.

* You can't help but tell your NICU story.

* You realize it's possible to get LESS sleep than moms of full term babies because of all the late night worrying.

* You see a picture of a baby with the NICU elephant nose and go, "Awwww!!"

* You actually have to buy doll clothes just so your NICU baby will have clothes that fit!

* You have a special box of NICU souvenirs you keep meaning to scrapbook.

* You know the name of every baby in the NICU & who their nurse is for that day.

* The different personalities of the nurses at the NICU no longer get under your've learned how to react to each one accordingly.

* You get sentimental & worried when you hear beeping sounds.

* You could check your NICU baby's vital signs faster than any health care professional you've met so far.

* You keep hand sanitizer in every room of your house & you ask people to use it before coming near your NICU baby.

* You still scrub your hands like a surgeon.

* Your only concern every day is when it's time for the "hands on" session with your baby, & you turn into Godzilla when you find out that your baby's hands on procedures were completed before you got there.

* You're an expert on calming your parents down because a NICU nurse couldn't tell them personal information on their own grandbaby. "

* You know that "kangaroo care" isn't a kid's game, in fact-it's your most FAVORITE time of the day, the reason you get out of bed…

* You no longer need an alarm clock to wake you up at midnight every night-that's when you call to check on your NICU baby's weight!

* To everyone else, an ounce is just a measurement, but to you an ounce is more valuable than gold-you praise God for every one your NICU baby gains.

* 'Rooming in' isn't something you do with your friends over the weekend for fun-it's one of the happiest days of your life.

* 1800 is your new favorite number.

* Your heart skips a beat when the nurse puts you on hold before telling you your baby's daily report because you fear that may mean bad news.

*Each time you see an unknown number on your caller ID, you hold your breath praying it's not the NICU.

* The March of Dimes becomes the most important fund raiser to you.

* You get nauseous when you see a black light because it reminds you too much of the bilirubin lights your NICU baby spent the 1st week of her life under.

* You know what Micro-Preemie means & you thank God every day that your NICU baby wasn't one; being a mother to a regular preemie was hard enough.

* Your NICU baby's home coming is THE happiest day of your life *so far*

*The hospital smell that most people hate brings tears to your eyes because it reminds you of your NICU experience.

* You bring your NICU baby home from the hospital with a new found appreciation for her doctors & nurses…God used them to save your baby's life.

I just had to post this.... because this is totally me! Being a preemie parent changes you.... I added a few things.


  1. I love those! Here's a bunch more that I posted on my blog when we were in the NICU. So true!
    • You know you're a preemie parent when...

    *You measure everything in cc's

    *Luxury = sleeping three hours in a row

    *You can change your baby's diaper with one hand

    *In the course of the same day, you have wanted to slap and bear hug the same NICU nurse

    *You feel a secret pull of jealousy when one of your friends delivers full term

    *You have gotten a rash on your hands from washing with hot water and the NICU soap... eight times in one day

    *The statement "breastfeeding is simple and natural" makes you laugh -- or cry, depending on the day and the hour.

    *Your baby has ever outgrown an outfit... while s/he was wearing it.

    *You cry when you're happy, laugh when you're mad, and throw things across the room when you're sad.

    *You could drive the route from your house to the hospital in your sleep... and maybe you have.

    *You can't remember what you talked about before feeding schedules, diapers, and growth charts.

    *You're more interested in your baby's diaper than the State of the Union

    *Your idea of a vacation is walking outside to get the mail

    *When someone offers you their hand to shake, you think twice, envisioning the germs that you might take home from them

    *The sound of your baby crying is beautiful, not annoying.

    *While everyone else coos, "He's so tiny!" your six-pound baby looks huge to you.

    *Your heart almost bursts with love at least once a day

    *You would climb to the top of Mt. Everest, barefoot, if it would help your baby to grow healthier, bigger, or stronger.

    *You not only know what "bilirubin" is, you have had several extensive conversations about it.

    *You never knew how grateful you could feel that your baby has gained an ounce.

    *You know where all the vending machines are on your floor of the hospital... and which ones have the good snacks.

    *You literally live your life one hour at a time.

    *The security guard at the front door of the hospital just waves you in when he sees you.

    *You are grateful for the smallest things now -- a shower, clean socks, a meal that you didn't have to cook, a friend who has a whole conversation with you without offering you any useless advice.

    *When someone asks you what scent you're wearing, you say "Germ-X" without batting an eye.

    *You had to give up your shower today to make time to read this list.

  2. Yours are pretty awesome! It's so sad when the security guard just waves you through. I totally got jealous every time I heard someone had a full term baby, I've never had one. Oh and I hate when people think you actually sleep through the night when your baby is in the Nicu. It's actually worse between pumping and praying you don't get a bad call.
