Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 27-29

Halle is doing great. She is at 23% oxygen at 1 liter flow and doing wonderful. We are trying to get her back to Dixie before Christmas!
We tried all day Friday with the insurance people, and the main transport lady was already go e for the holidays. We ran out of time. I was completely devastated. I cried and cried, when I left the hospital until I got to Jon's house. I didn't want to go home, let me rephrase I didn't want to leave Halle. It was her first Christmas, I know she won't remember. I felt so incredibly guilty I can't even describe the way I was feeling. I woke up at 4:00 am just so I could go and hold her for awhile before I made my flight home. I shed a few tears saying goodbye and told her Merry Christmas.
Well I made it home safe, I called and checked on Halle every three hours. I would so hate to deal with the crazy parents such as myself. She did great all weekend she even gained 30 grams. She was low on sodium so she now has to take some.
Christmas was fun with Mason and Adalyn. They were so excited, mason went from one gift to the next opening them as fast as he could go. Adalyn took her time and want to play with the gift she opened, she kept saying " this is everything I wanted" she was just too cute. My kids got spoiled. Halle got diapers and some clothes and a few toys from the kids. It was a good Christmas. Next year should be perfect though, with our family complete!
I got the word Halle was going to come to Dixie on Tuesday, that made my day my nurse would call me to give me updates all day. Which I loved. She got everything ready to go!
This is going to be nice and a lot of work to balance the kids and Halle. But I get to sleep next to my husband in my own bed! I love my bed so much!
So grateful that she is doing so good now. We had quite a few very rough days and we all got through them. I'm just so blessed to have this sweet girl in my life she has already made a huge impacted in it already.

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